Church Order, Gifts & Structure - Ministry of Jesus (11/12/23)

It’s time to allow the Lord Jesus to minister through us and reform His church. The Lord desires to reform His church and restructure it into His order.

Ministry of Christ

On 5/17/23, the Lord Jesus said to me, “The death of your ministry brought the life of My ministry in you.”

I knew the Lord was referring to a three and a half-year season (2016-2019) in which my ministry was placed on the altar. The ministry that the Lord had called me to had died completely in my heart during that season. When Christ resurrected the ministry, it was no longer mine, but the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ in and through me. Obviously, this is a progression as Christ is yielded to, from one degree to another over years. This is the will of the Lord for us. The death of our own callings and ministries so that the life and ministry of Jesus would come forth from us. People don't need us; they need the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ coming forth through us.

Allowing Jesus to Minister

My wife and I were at a conference in northern Idaho in February 2012. James Maloney was ministering in the meeting and the gift of faith was in operation. The faith level was so high in the meeting that you simply knew people were going to be healed. James Maloney was ministering at a level close to that of William Branham. People would stand before him and he would have an open vision of their lives, and the Lord would show James what to pray for. People were instantly healed of trauma and received miracles. It was the most notable healings and miracles I have seen in an American meeting.

The Lord Jesus was ministering through James Maloney and healing people. The ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was being released. An international television ministry was at the meeting, broadcasting it. They told the host ministry that they needed to take all of their equipment down early on the second night so they could leave. They asked the host ministry if James Maloney could shorten his ministry time so they could get their equipment. James Maloney kindly agreed.

The Lord taught me a lot through this incident. The host ministry had James Maloney shorten his ministry time so they could cater to the international television ministry, which boosted their own ministry by broadcasting the conference. Let’s put this into perspective. Jesus was ministering and performing miracles through James Maloney because God’s people desperately needed healing. And other ministries asked for the healing and miracle time to be shortened!

Essentially, these ministries were telling Jesus (who was healing through Maloney) that He needed to stop doing miracles when they wanted Him to because their priority was taking care of the ministry equipment. This international television network cared more about themselves than the people who needed healing and the ministry of Jesus being released. The host ministry should have told the TV ministry that they could pack their equipment up before the meeting if they needed to leave, or they could wait until the Lord was done ministering. But the host ministry bowed down and obeyed its true master.

Jesus will not be put in second place. He must be held in high esteem and honored above all else. If we want the ministry of Jesus Christ to be fully released in the church, then we better value His ministry when it is being released. We dishonor Him when we push Him aside for our own will, timing, and agenda. Jesus must be allowed to do whatever He wants, whenever He wants to do it. We bend to Him; He doesn’t bend to us.

The Charismatic Church demonstrated in this conference that they really just like prophesying about healing and miracles, not actually allowing Jesus to minister in healing and miracles. When Jesus is dishonored, it grieves the Holy Spirit. The third day off the conference was nothing compared to the first two, as much of the Lord’s grace departed (as a different person ministered).

Authority of Jesus

The five leadership gifts of Ephesians Chapter 4 were never intended to function in their own authority. Their true authority comes from Christ the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher ministering through them to the church. Those called to function in those gifts must die to their own self-life so that the gift that Christ has given in the person can come forth to the body of Christ. The gift that Christ is given is Himself and His ministry. He is the only One who can build His church and bring her to the mature man that He is.

The governmental authority of Christ is returning to His church. This governmental authority will flow from Jesus through His apostles and prophets to bring restoration to the church. This is the authority for bringing about the obedience of the faith and making disciples of Jesus.

“It is through Him that we have received grace and [our] apostleship to promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for His name’s sake among all the Gentiles,” (Romans 1:5 AMP)

True authority is the measure of Christ in a leader or believer. Only those who have Christ’s government in them tend to recognize Christ’s authority in His leaders. Those who are not under Christ’s authority will not have His government in them. These people will fight against or reject the authority of Christ that will come forth from Christ’s appointed leaders.

Church Order

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?” (I Corinthians 12:27-30 NKJV)

The Lord has given us His blueprint, structure, and order for His New Testament church. In order for the Lord’s church to be successful (according to a Heavenly definition), she must conform herself to the will of the Lord revealed in His word. The church has been out of God’s will for so long that she doesn’t even recognize His will. Many are so blind that they label this kind of teaching as New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), when what it truly is is simply repenting for not following God’s word and humbly submitting to His revealed will. 

The above scripture indicates that apostles, prophets, and teachers/pastors should make up the eldership of a church (the gathering of certain believers in a given location). The church in Antioch proves that the eldership (leaders or overseers) consisted of these three ministries, as we know that Paul and Barnabas were sent out as apostles.

Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.” (Acts 13:1 NKJV)

Apostles, prophets, and teachers/pastors functioned together to oversee the church. Their convergence released the grace and power of Jesus Christ in the church. The Lord desires to bring us back to His model and His leadership structure. The Lord’s authority and grace flow through His leadership to the body of Christ. A prophet or a paster who is overseeing a church by themselves will not be able to bring a group of people to “the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” (Ephesians 4:13 NKJV)

Leaders humbling themselves and working together in unity is the only way the church will come to fullness. Grace was released in Antioch, and it will be released in every church that embraces the Lord’s blueprint. Pastors who try to lead a church by themselves will “hit a wall” and not be able to make real spiritual progress. A dullness will set in among the congregation. Momentum will come to those who choose to lay down their own ministry and partner with other leaders to compose the Lord’s eldership. The life of Jesus will be released to His church as we obey His will.

Spiritual Family

Spiritual families have to become our reality. The church leaders must become spiritual sons of God so that they will know how to be spiritual fathers. Once the church is led from a “family reality” perspective, the rigid leadership hierarchy that separates “clergy” and “laypeople” is abolished. This isn’t to say we don’t recognize the authority of Christ coming from leaders, but it means we relate to one another as friends, brothers, and spiritual family. The church should not be run with an organizational mindset but with a family mindset.

The apostle would relate to the prophet and teacher as a family member or close friend. The head overseer should lead with the mindset of, “These other leaders aren’t here to serve me and carry out my vision; I’m here to serve them and carry out the Lord’s vision (which includes seeing the Lord’s vision carried out through His people). This then trickles down to all believers attending the gathering. Believers are not treated as attendees but as family and friends. Believers are then empowered to do the work of the ministry.

Our mindset must not be to see how successful we can make our church or how we can keep people coming back. Our mission must be to see Christ formed in His people and to prepare a bride for Him. Our assignment must also be to prepare and release believers into the ministries the Lord has called them to, not simply focus on getting believers to attend in order to hear a sermon. We must allow the Lord to give us a kingdom mindset instead of continuing in an institutional mindset. We are not supposed to simply make church attendees. Disciples of Jesus Christ are to be raised up and sent out to bring forth the kingdom of God.

Importance of Gifts Out of Order

We must also note that I Corinthians 12:27-30 lists the gifts of working of miracles and gifts of healings prior to helps or administrations. The ministries and gifts are listed in order of importance for a reason. Much of the church has placed the helps ministry and administrations before miracles and healing. According to the Lord, this is out of order. Because we have been out of order, the grace and anointing from God have only been flowing at a low level. When we repent and conform ourselves to the word of God, His grace and life will flow in the church and cause spiritual growth.

Not all believers can operate in the gifts of working of miracles and healings (1 Corinthians 12:29-30). Those gifts are distributed as the Holy Spirit wills, not as we will (1 Corinthians 12:11). Yet many leaders construct a prayer team of believers who have completed their healing prayer training or school. And not many people who come for prayer are being healed. We have to forget our humanistic ministry training and allow believers to pray for the sick who have been given the gift of working of miracles and the gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit.

We begin by repenting of our sin of doing church our own way instead of God’s way. Then leaders should call up all believers who want to receive the gifts of the Spirit and lay hands on them in prayer. When we approach the Lord in repentance and humility, I have faith He will respond and impart gifts of healings and the working of miracles. The Lord will give others the gift of prophecy so believers can be strengthened and encouraged in the church by the gift. This will bring spiritual life into our meetings that cuts through the dullness of our current organizational Christianity.

We must make time for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in our meetings. If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to minister through His gifts during our meetings, then we will grieve Him. Much of the church says they believe in the gifts of the Spirit, but doesn’t make room for Him to move. This has caused the Spirit to minimize His ministry in our churches. He will only presence Himself where He is welcomed and received. When we demonstrate that we want the Holy Spirit to be in our meetings through the actions of waiting on Him to move, praying for Him to move, and giving time for the gifts to operate, He will respond to our faith.

Church administration is important and needed. Deacons, servers, and helps ministries are extremely important and needed in the church. But we must bow to the Lord’s order of importance. Many believers are currently sick and experiencing life-changing illnesses because the church has not put the working of miracles and gifts of healings in proper church order.

Discerning of Spirits

I believe the Lord is highlighting the gift of discerning spirits for us now. He has called on some to receive this gift who are not yet walking in it. We are in a crucial time and on the precipice of the great falling away. The Lord desires to release this gift to His followers so they can help their churches stay free from deception and seducing spirits. Someone with the gift of discerning spirits can distinguish between evil spirits and the Holy Spirit. This will be paramount in the days ahead.


The Holy Spirit, through Paul, says that apostles are to be first in the church (1 Corinthians 12:28). The Greek word for first means “first in time, in the first place, first in dignity and importance, before all things, before, at the beginning, chiefly, in any succession of things or persons, first in rank, influence, and honor.” This doesn’t mean that an apostle is better or more important than other leaders or believers. It’s simply showing the importance of the function or ministry to the church. The Lord uses apostles as wise master builders or architects in the church. How can a temple be properly constructed without an architect?

According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.” (I Corinthians 3:10 NKJV)

The Greek word used for “master builder” also means “architect, head builder, a chief constructor, and the superintendent in the erection of buildings.”

Jesus the Apostle functions through someone with the calling of an apostle. Jesus shows the apostle how He wants His church built and structured. The architect or apostle is given an understanding of how the Lord wants His church structured. With the Lord’s blueprints in his hands, he supervises the erection of the building (living stones being fashioned into the temple of God). The apostle is first among the leaders because of his role in laying the foundation and overseeing the building of the structure.

Much of what has been occurring in the modern church has been pastors planting churches without being connected to apostles and prophets. Pastors are extremely important and necessary for the vitality of church life, but they are not architects. It’s not about one being better than the other or competition; it’s about roles and functions. Leaders have different roles and functions but are complete when they choose to work as a team.

Apostles have the grace to see the Lord’s original intent in the scriptures. They have been given the understanding to see the “big picture” in the scriptures (Luke 24:45). They comprehend the Lord’s eternal plan for the church. Apostles understand how the church meeting should flow so that the Lord is exalted and glorified. They operate much like the conductors of an orchestra.

Apostles bring believers together to impart vision, destiny, and purpose. They lead the church to fulfill its purpose; they recognize gifts and abilities; they set things in order; and they bring body parts and joints together. Apostles look forward to the Lord’s long-range plan. The vision an apostolic leader thrives on, speaking of what is not yet a reality, as if it is. An apostolic vision is fluid, flexible, and changing as people and circumstances change within the big picture while keeping the final goal in mind.


Prophets are listed as second in the church because they work closely with apostles. They are instrumental because they receive a “now” word from the Lord and lead the church in the Lord’s direction. They carry the Lord’s vision and use that insight to help apostles build the structure in the proper timing. Prophets give warnings, bring corrections, and function as watchmen in the church.

The Lord desires to reshape our definition of a prophet and conform it to His definition of one. A person is a prophet because the Lord has said they are, not because they see visions or have dreams. True prophets reveal Christ and they tell of Christ’s coming. They carry the testimony of Jesus and release that testimony when they minister.

John the Baptist was called a prophet by Jesus, yet he did not speak of dreams and visions. John only testified of Christ. One time John saw the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus in bodily (personhood) form, and that is the only 'seer' operation recorded in scripture. John did not perform miracles (John 10:41), yet he was a prophet.

Prophets can certainly have dreams and visions and work miracles. Most probably do. But those things are not what make one a prophet. Many in the church have made those things the hallmark of the prophetic ministry. But John demonstrated that revealing the Lamb of God and testifying of His coming was the hallmark of the prophetic ministry.

We are commanded by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, through Paul, to judge righteously. Failure to make a decision about a ministry or to judge inaccurately (unrighteously) could cause us to be deceived. A true prophetic ministry will be presenting Jesus Christ, while a false prophetic ministry will be presenting themselves or their ministry. The following verse is crucial for discerning pure and holy prophetic ministries:

And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”” (Revelation 19:10 NKJV)

The Greek word used for 'testimony' means “record, report, witness, judicial evidence, declaration in a matter of fact or doctrine, attestation to character, and reputation."

A real prophet of God ministers in the spirit of prophecy, not the gift of prophecy. A real prophet has the witness and judicial evidence of Jesus Christ within him or her. A true prophet of God has the proof of Christ’s character and nature in them and flowing from them. Only when a prophet has Christ’s character, testimony, and witness within themselves in a great enough measure is the Spirit of prophecy released through them. And the Spirit of prophecy will always reveal Christ inwardly in His people. The focus will be on the eternal Godhead and His plans, will, purpose, and desires. The Spirit of prophecy will not exalt a man or woman or their ministry.

Prophets bring believers together for the purpose of imparting gifts, speaking from God's perspective, and clarifying vision or revelation of divine purpose for today and tomorrow. They help believers to hear God, to see what God sees, to repent of sin and dead works, to deal with the flesh, and to obediently follow and move with the Lord. Prophets release spiritual anointing, keep people in line and on target, and drawing ever closer to the Lord. They are oftentimes watchmen and report to the church when they see God’s judgment coming on the land. The watchman ministry also entails trumpeting what the enemy is doing to warn the church, which can include calling out false ministers who are damaging the body of Christ.

Administration of Ministry Gifts

Some people can function in two or more ministry gifts. John (one of the 12) functioned as an apostle but later as a prophet. This is evident since he was shown the book of Revelation. I believe Peter only functioned as an apostle, while the scriptures show Paul operated as an apostle and teacher (1 Timothy 2:7).

The Lord has shown me that some people have a primary calling as an apostle and a secondary calling as a prophet. For example, they understand church structure and government like an apostle, but they also give warnings of judgment and fulfill a watchman-type role (like a prophet would). These ones would be stronger in their primary call and slightly weaker in their secondary call. For example, they may not see dreams or visions, have angelic encounters, or be taken up to heaven, as may occur with someone who has the primary ministry of a prophet.

Someone could have the primary calling of a prophet and the secondary calling of an apostle. The Lord Jesus can do different things with different people. He can give a mixture of ministry gifts if He chooses, or He can give a person one gift to function in. I remember a prophet once saying that he was only called as a prophet, and the Lord had told him not to function as a pastor.


Pastors or shepherds have the heart of God for His sheep. The grace, mercy, and love of God are their primary messages and focus. Pastors are skilled at giving milk to new believers. This is part of their “nurturing” calling. Pastors are concerned with restoring, counseling, and the overall health of the sheep. The role of a pastor is crucial and messenger ministries (apostles and prophets) are often very poor at pasturing. Pastors also protect the sheep from wolves. Unfortunately, some pastors are spiritually dull and have a difficult time discerning the messengers of the Lord. Some pastors actually view messengers as threats. We should pray for the spiritual eyes of pastors to be open.

If we are to see the church reformed and conformed to the Lord’s blueprint, pastors will have to partner with apostolic and prophetic ministries. This convergence will create the momentum in the Spirit that is needed to bring churches to full measure. The leadership gifts all need one another to carry out the Lord’s plan for His church.


Elders are overseers of a church. The New Testament uses these words interchangeably along with bishop, superintendent, and presbyter. These are simply titles for leadership in the church (Acts 20:17-28). Leadership should always consist of those called to the Ephesians 4 gift of apostle, prophet, teacher, or pastor. The apostles were a part of church elderships (1 Peter 5:1, 2 John 1:1). Each church should have multiple elders or overseers and should not be led by only one pastor (although there will be a lead overseer). The church that is overseen by one pastor is out of order according to the model found in scripture. We have already discussed the church in Antioch in Acts chapter 13. Here is another verse:

For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you—” (Titus 1:5 NKJV)

Multiple leaders should be leading a church if we want to be in alignment with God and if we want His grace to flow fully. Also, leaders were not appointed because they had a degree from a seminary. They were appointed based on calling and character (1 Timothy 3:1-7). The American church has strayed from the scriptures and conformed itself to the world system by allowing leadership that has not been approved of by God. The Lord’s will in the scriptures is a blueprint for appointing leadership, not Bible college.

Leaders were never intended to be elected or given a job by a denominational organization. They were to be appointed by proven and tested elders in the church. Paul had Titus appoint leadership in the church. Paul didn’t tell Titus to appoint overseers based on their GPA in seminary, their charismatic personalities, or their speaking abilities. Paul didn’t tell Titus to appoint elders by taking a vote from the congregation. Paul had leaders appoint other leaders based on calling and character.

If we continue to do things our own way, the church will not become the glorious city on a hill that it is intended to be. The Lord’s ways release light and grace, while man’s ways bring death and stagnation.

Note: Deacons were not voted in by the church in Acts Chapter 6 as in a democracy. The apostles delegated authority and told the church to select men of good character and reputation. Then the apostles approved the deacons by laying hands on them and praying. The apostles could have selected the deacons if they had chosen to; however, they didn’t have the time, so they empowered others to make the selection. Ultimately, they could have chosen not to commission a deacon if his character wasn’t godly.

Deacons - Helps Gift or Service Ministry

For just as in one [physical] body we have many parts, and these parts do not all have the same function or special use, so we, who are many, are [nevertheless just] one body in Christ, and individually [we are] parts one of another [mutually dependent on each other]. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to use them accordingly: if [someone has the gift of] prophecy, [let him speak a new message from God to His people] in proportion to the faith possessed; if service, in the act of serving; or he who teaches, in the act of teaching; or he who encourages, in the act of encouragement; he who gives, with generosity; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy [in caring for others], with cheerfulness.” (Romans 12:4-8 AMP)

The Father has chosen to give certain believers the gift of serving. People with these gifts should be identified so they can function in their roles. People who have this gift are energized and fulfilled when functioning in a service capacity. People without this gift absolutely hate to serve. They feel like they are trying to carry a thousand pounds when attempting to function as a server. The grace of God is not with them to serve, and everything they do feels like a struggle.

Pastors and leaders should never place believers in a service-type ministry who do not have the gift of God to function in that way. It creates unnecessary dissatisfaction in the body. Leaders should never manipulate people to serve in the church. If there is too much activity going on in the church where a church is lacking servers, then there is too much activity going on. The activities and programs need to be cut. The leader should return to the basics of prayer and worship so the fire of the Holy Spirit will burn in the church and lead people into a greater revelation of Jesus Christ. Activities without the fire of the Spirit and the presence of God are meaningless.

Serving is a very important gift, and the church would not function properly without people operating in those gifts. People with a “helps” gift are very loyal to a leader and to the church. They take pride in serving well and completing a task correctly. Leaders should be careful not to promote these people to leadership, however. A believer is not approved for leadership because they have served well in the church. They are appointed because of gifting, calling, and character.

Ministries - Gifts - Operations

Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same. And there are distinctive varieties of service and ministration, but it is the same Lord [Who is served]. And there are distinctive varieties of operation [of working to accomplish things], but it is the same God Who inspires and energizes them all in all.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6 AMPC)

The Lord has different graces or gifts that He wants to give to each individual member of the body of Christ. If you have never asked the Lord about what His will and purpose are for you within the church, maybe it is now time to pray and seek Him regarding this. The Lord desires us all to be the body of Christ and function in the church. Then His body will grow together as it should.

But speaking the truth in love [in all things—both our speech and our lives expressing His truth], let us grow up in all things into Him [following His example] who is the Head—Christ. From Him the whole body [the church, in all its various parts], joined and knitted firmly together by what every joint supplies, when each part is working properly, causes the body to grow and mature, building itself up in [unselfish] love.” (Ephesians 4:15–16 AMP)

-Ty Unruh (November 2023)