Hearts of the Fathers (10/28/22)

The Lord is releasing those fathers who He has formed the heart of the Father in. These  spiritual fathers and mothers have been feeling an urge from the Holy Spirit to father spiritual sons and daughters. The Lord desires a safe place for His children to grow. He has been preparing the fathers to turn the hearts of the children to the Father. He will bring this to pass by turning the hearts of spiritual sons and daughters to spiritual fathers and mothers. Just as children in the natural need a solid father and mother to help them mature and be healthy in life, so spiritual children often need the grace of Jesus that manifests through mature fathers and mothers to bring spiritual life to their journey and lead them in the footsteps of Jesus. 

Ban of Destruction 

And he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the [estranged] fathers to the [ungodly] children, and the hearts of the [rebellious] children to [the piety of] their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly], lest I come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction. [Luke 1:17.]” (Malachi 4:6 AMPC)

The grace or anointing of Elijah is being poured out on spiritual fathers in these final days before the “terrible day of the Lord comes” (Malachi 4:5). If the hearts of fathers fail to turn to children, and the hearts of children fail to turn to fathers; the Lord will strike certain regions or cities with a ban of destruction. I specifically heard the phrase “ban of destruction” in my spirit when the Lord was speaking to me about this. 

The Lord is warning us that the full manifestation of this promise will come to pass in our day. I believe certain cities in America are already experiencing a ban of utter destruction. Crime and murders are soaring in certain large cities where the enemy has destroyed the father and son relationship. Fathers have been entangled by the enemy in these locations, and therefore not turning the hearts of the children to the Father. 

An Easier Journey

Spiritual fathers and mothers have journeyed with the Lord. They have been tested, tried, and pressed by the Spirit of God. These disciples have been going through the ministry school of the Spirit for many years and even decades. They know the Lord and His ways. They know the eternal Godhead who has existed from the beginning (1 John 2:14). These spiritual warriors have made many mistakes, and are able to help the spiritually young so that they do make the same mistakes. If we will choose to learn from the mistakes of others instead of push ahead in our own way, we will have a much easier path and potentially take more spiritual ground. 

Making a People Ready

And he will turn back and cause to return many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God, And he will [himself] go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn back the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient and incredulous and unpersuadable to the wisdom of the upright [which is the knowledge and holy love of the will of God]–in order to make ready for the Lord a people [perfectly] prepared [in spirit, adjusted and disposed and placed in the right moral state]. [Isa. 40:3; Mal. 4:5, 6.]” Luke 1:16-17 AMPC

There is something about the grace that turns the hearts of fathers to children, that makes a people ready for the Lord. This is what the Spirit is saying to the church in this hour. When we abide in His grace that is being released to us now, life is found. The life of God being released will empower us to be made ready for the return of the King. How exactly this works, I don’t fully understand; but His grace trumps our human understanding or reasoning. As we submit to His will, His Spirit, and His movement; He works in us and does what we cannot do. His life transforms us into vessels that are “ready.”

By the Spirit

The father-son relationship must only be initiated by the Spirit and done in the Spirit. We must not force things in the natural as this will lead to spiritual messes. The Lord will connect people in these father-son relationships who have a “heart after God.” This is the key factor and it’s one of the reasons Jesus chose the spiritual sons that He did, by the leading of the Father. We must yield to the Lord and allow Him to work this out His way. He will breathe upon certain relationships and we will know it is Him directing it. 

Quality over Quantity 

The old way of doing ministry is over in America. The model of gaining as much influence as possible (gathering the most people) is dead. The life of Jesus is flowing to fathers and mothers who will be the life of Christ to people, because Christ is flowing from them. The mega-churches of America have produced massive numbers but shallow devotion to Christ. Shallow roots can easily be uprooted when difficulty comes, and it is coming. The greatest tribulation the people of the world have ever experienced is about to sweep the earth. 

The Lord desires fathers and mothers who will invest in spiritual sons and daughters. Jesus invested much time with the 12. Jesus modeled how we should be doing ministry. He did preach to large crowds at times, but His poured His life into His spiritual sons. They become His witnesses…His messengers. The 12 (minus Judas) didn’t just teach about Jesus. They had Him as their life, so their message imparted the very life of Christ to people. They didn’t just give doctrine, they gave Christ. 

If the family of Christ is going to come to fullness, then the hearts of fathers must be turned to the children and children to the fathers. Time must be invested in raising spiritual children until the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ is coming forth from them. The Lord desires to release His Kingdom in this capacity during these last days before His return. He is beginning to release His judgments worldwide, but He will also release His mercy which is revealed through these father-son relationships. It’s time for fathers and sons to do life together. The heart of the Father is heavy on this issue of spiritual family.


I feel like the Lord is going to start releasing grace at a whole new level for spiritual fathers and mothers to father and mother spiritual sons and daughters. They will invite sons and daughters into their homes as if they are their own family. In fact they will become family. The Lord is bringing His church back to its “family” roots. The life that will be released through these family relationships will multiply and explode in the spirit realm. Darkness and depression will flee. This force multiplier will put tens of thousands of the enemies forces to flight. The life of the Spirit will flow from son to father, just as much as it will flow from father to son. These relationships will be pure without an agenda (not wanting to get something from the person). These relationships will lead one another to Christ and glorify the Father.

These spiritual relationships will transition the remnant church from “going to church” to actually “being the church.” The resurrection life of Christ will flow to His body. The Holy Spirit will keep these relationships focused on Jesus. Only by focusing on Jesus and being rightly connected to the Head, will the body of Christ grow to the maturity that she needs to (Ephesians 4:15-16). 


Father I ask in Jesus name that You breathe Your life upon father and son relationships. Would You please turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children’s hearts to the fathers. Would You place the lonely and desolate in spiritual families (Psalm 68:6). Gather Your sons and daughters from afar to safe places in which they can grow (Isaiah 60:4). Form healthy families and communities where Your life is flowing, and Your glory is manifesting. Let these cities and regions reflect Your brightness and shine through deep darkness. Father bring Your precious sons and daughters into spiritual families where they feel at home. Gather Your sons and daughters to Your fathers and mothers.

They wandered in the wilderness in a [solitary] desert region; And did not find a way to an inhabited city. Hungry and thirsty, They fainted. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He rescued them from their distresses. He led them by the straight way, To an inhabited city [where they could establish their homes].” (Psalms 107:4-7 AMP)

He turns a wilderness into a pool of water and a dry ground into water springs; [Isa. 41:18.] And there He makes the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation,” (Psalm 107:35-36 AMPC)

-Ty Unruh