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Mystery Babylon

"Babylon the Great" is a mystery, and she is the mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth. She has remained hidden, cloaked in secrecy; but the Lord is beginning to reveal who she is. We must know who she is so that we might "come out from her." This article will address who mystery Babylon is, and provide a basic description of her.

The Scripture

Before we go into detail on this subject, we must lay a proper foundation in the scriptures. Babylon sits (controls) on the nations of the world (Revelation 17:15). She also rules over the Kings (Presidents) of the earth (Revelation 17:18). Some Christians believe that Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church or the Untied States, but neither of these theories is fully correct. Babylon controls the Catholic Church and the United States, and both of these are apart of Babylon. The Roman Catholic Church or the United States do not control the nations of the world or the presidents of the earth. They are used by Babylon (to a degree) to control leaders and nations. Also, the scripture makes it clear that Babylon is responsible for killing all the saints (Christians). The United States has not been responsible for killing most Christians throughout history, as it is not that old. 

The Seven Mountains

It is said that there are seven kingdoms or mountains that influence our world. Whoever has control of these cultural mountains, has control of the world. The mountains are: government/law/military, business/finance, family, religion, education, arts/entertainment, and the media. The harlot Babylon currently sits on the seven cultural mountains which make up ‘the one kingdom of this earth’ (Revelation 17:9). The seventh kingdom is now controlled by Babylon. This is in perfect alignment with Revelation 17:15-18, which shows that Babylon rules over the presidents and nations of the earth. In order for Babylon to rule over presidents and nations, she must have control of the seventh kingdom of this world. This will be further explained later in the article. 

The Global Elite

There is a small group of people who control most of the world's wealth. These people rule the nations of the earth with their wealth and power. They put politicians in office who they want to run countries. They control the central banks and the printing of money. This group of people manipulate the news that comes from the major media outlets. They also use nations to start wars and topple other nations who won't submit to their control. This group of powerful social elites has been referred to as the New World Order. 

Conspiracy Theories 

Some readers might discount the New World Order as a conspiracy theory. The truth is, the phrase "conspiracy theory" is widely used to turn people away from the truth. Let us remember that Satan was and is a conspirator. He secretly conspired against the throne of Heaven, and he desired to become like the most high God. He attempted to exalt himself to the throne of God, and his evil influence spread to a third of the angels in Heaven. Satan's conspiratorial rebellion sent shock waves through Heaven, and now a third of the angelic host will burn in the lake of fire for their treachery. 

Satan is very skilled in the black art of deception. He can only achieve his wicked conspiracies against the human race if most people are unaware of what he is doing. He therefore uses deception to mask his secret agenda. He deceives the masses into thinking that there is something wrong with people who believe in conspiracy theories. If Satan can discredit all conspiracy theories, he can operate undetected until his goals of global domination are accomplished. 

Satan has become even more given over to darkness through the years. He has been operating his kingdom by sewing conspiracy and rebellion into the hearts of men. Satan has been using powerful people under his control to rule the world. He has been using the most powerful and elite people of the world to conspire against humanity. Satan's goal is world domination through his son, the antichrist. 

The New World Order

Babylon the Great is the global elite who are directly controlled by Satan. Satan has been using these powerful people to create a New World Order or a global government. Satan must have a global system in place so that his son can take control of that system and rule the world. Once the global system is in place, the ten kings (world leaders) will destroy Babylon (the global elite) and take the seven mountains (or one kingdom) from them (Revelation 17:16-17). Then the ten kings will turn their kingdoms over to the antichrist (Revelation 17:12-13), and he will rule over every tribe, tongue, and nation for the last three and a half years of this age (Revelation 13:5-7). 

The New World Order or global elite, do not fully understand that they are simply being used by Satan as pawns. They believe that they are setting up this global system for themselves and their families in which they will reign supreme over the people of the world. However, once the New World Order has established a global government, Satan will destroy the New World Order/Babylon/Global Elite, with the ten kings. Then the ten kings will then give their power and authority to antichrist (the beast). 

The Chain of Command

The New World Order has a hierarchy of sorts. It is said that there are 13 families that rule the world. These families are worshippers of Lucifer himself. They are: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Russell, and Van Duyn. 

Underneath the 13 ruling families is the committee of 300. "Think-tanks" are next in line. These organizations are simply fronts for the world elite to carry out their satanic agenda. That agenda involves forming a global government and enslaving the people of the world. One example  of a "think-tank" that the elite use to accomplish these goals is the Bilderberg Group. 

The Federal Reserve and Central Banks

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank. The American people are mistakingly led to believe that the Federal Reserve is apart of the U.S. Government. This is simply not true. The Federal Reserve is not apart of the government even though it has "federal" in the title. It is a private bank owned by the global elite. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. There may be some sort of federal contract with the Federal Reserve, but the bank itself is not apart of the government.

The Federal Reserve was founded on the lust for power, and the love of money. It creates money out of thin air, and lends that money to the United States government at interest. Therefore the U.S. government has to pay the Federal Reserve back with interest. The elite who run this central bank (and other central banks throughout the world) get incredibly wealthy by operating this way. At the time of this writing, the U.S. government is 25 trillion dollars in debt to the Federal Reserve. This number is climbing rapidly.

Thomas Jefferson said, "The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution. I am an enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered...I believe that the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies...The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

The Political System

Many politicians in the senate and congress are bought off by the elite. Babylon has had control of both the Republican and Democratic parties for at least the last fifty years. The American people have not been allowed to choose a president in a very long time (except Trump). The global elite select the candidates for both parties. These elites then finance their campaigns. The presidential candidates of the New World Order are the ones that make the final cut to face off against each other for the Presidency. Americans are deluded into thinking they get to choose the President, when in reality the elites have already chosen the two candidates. If a Republican candidate wins, the powerful elite will use him to carry out their agenda. If a Democrat is elected, the globalists will use him to fulfill their plans. It is all an illusion to make the American people think they have power, when in reality, that power was stripped long ago. 


Elites such as Bill Gates and Ted Turner have been outspoken in their belief that the world population needs to decrease. Agenda 2030 is a plan to reduce the earth's population by billions. Global elite use large corporations to help further their agenda. These corporations are so wealthy and powerful that they are virtually untouchable by the senate and congress. Corporations like Monsanto, have enslaved farmers with the protection of big government. Monsanto genetically modifies food, which many experts say has led to the skyrocketing cancer rates. Seventy years ago, when GMOs where nonexistent, cancer rates were very low. 

Corporations create cheap food to bring in more profit. Since people are becoming sicker and sicker from GMOs, large pharmacy companies are taking in record profits. Sick people need prescription medication. The whole system works together. The global elites use these corporations to make billions. They create sickness through cheap engineered food, then make even more money on treating the sicknesses through pharmaceuticals. And if people die in the process, it's a positive thing to the elite, since the world is overpopulated and the population must be reduced (according to their reasoning).


Vaccines themselves are generally good and can keep people safe from many different diseases. However, the preservatives and other additives that a vaccine injection contains, can be extremely dangerous. Vaccines could be used by the elite to spread sickness to the mass, and keep people dependent on medications. Why have autism cases skyrocketed over the last 40 years? We must think for ourselves and research these things to find the truth.

The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.” (Revelation‬ ‭18:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

The Greek word (pharmakeia) which is used for “sorcery” in the above passage, also translates: “employment of drugs for any purpose, magic, enchantment, medication (“pharmacy”), the use or the administering of drugs, and poisoning.” Could it be possible that the powerful elite are using certain vaccines to poison the masses in order to control them, and keep them from rising to power? People who can think for themselves, and achieve great things are a threat to the ruling elite. In order to maintain global dominance and control, measures must be taken by Mystery Babylon to ensure her power is maintained.


The mainstream news media in America only tells us what the global elite want us to hear. The media keeps us focused on issues they want to portray is important. We are told very little about real issues, and key events going on around the world. To a degree, our ability to access content on the internet may already be restricted. Propaganda from the global elites is put out through the media to control the minds of the people. If Mystery Babylon desires to go to war with a nation, they use the media to propagate that war so that the masses will get behind it.


Sports, TV, music, video games, and movies are being used to control the masses. People are focused on entertainment instead of what is really happening in the country and world. The New World Order is using this as a distraction, while they carry out their agenda. They also use entertainment to trap people and believers in unhealthy thought patterns, and even sexual sin. Pornographic images are utilized to ensure many believers and make them useless for the Kingdom of God.


The governing powers have removed God from public schools, and instituted their own system of teaching children. They prepare children to only know the basics, and to be servants of the elite. In many cases, history is being altered or changed so children do not know our past. Recently, some school administrations have been using race theories to divide upcoming generations of Americans. Satan knows that he can shape the minds of entire generations by sowing seeds of evil and deception. Those seeds will grow to maturity over time, and Satan will have influenced the mind of an entire nation.


The NWO controls militaries in many powerful nations. They use the militaries of these nations to carry out their interests, and not the interests of the people of those nations. Most wars that the U.S. has been involved in during the last 70 years have not been in defending the freedom of the U.S., or for the protection of the American people. The war in Iraq had nothing to do with defending America, or the freedom of the American people. The elite will even create events (false fags), so that the American people will accept the military being used. 


The family unit has been under severe attack and the divorce rate in America is now around 50 percent. If the enemy can destroy God’s design for the family, he can create disunity and problems that keep the masses in disarray. If people have their own problems, they will not worry about other things happening globally. Families are the foundation of what the Lord desires to do in His church. Healthy families can be built together as living stones to form a healthy universal church. If families are broken apart through sin and divorce; Satan can delay the church from coming to fullness, and the bride from being made ready.


Babylon uses religion to keep the world enslaved. The religious system includes all of the world religions. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are the major death traps of this evil system called Babylon. Christianity enslaves the masses by getting people to serve the church, while never leading them to Christ. It keeps people serving a religious organization, and prevents them from becoming disciples of Jesus; and from having an intimate relationship with Him. Other religions lead to false gods that will destine people to Hell. Jesus made it clear that He was the only way to God and eternal life. This religious system currently has billons trapped on a pathway to eternal damnation.

The Great City 

Babylon the Great is described in detail in Jeremiah 51 and Isaiah 47. These scriptures provide the foundation of the revealing of this evil system, and should be studied to understand her in a more complete way. We will examine the description of the Harlot in Revelation 17. I will add an explanation in the bold and parenthesized text.

And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. (The woman does not rule the antichrist or the kingdom of the antichrist. She currently controls the seven mountains since the word “sitteth” is present tense. The seven mountains are the seven cultural influencers or kingdoms that control a society.) And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (In the past there have been six rulers who have attained to global dominance. The antichrist is the seventh who is to come.) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. (The antichrist will have a deadly wound healed or possibly be raised from the dead and maintain his global reign and thus continuing as the eighth king). And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. (These 10 global leaders or kings will turn against the global elite or mystery Babylon, and give their authority to the antichrist). These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (The ten rulers will destroy the global elite and take their wealth and power away, so it can be given to the man of sin). For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:7, 9-18 KJV). There are two cities. The city of God which is His people found in Revelation 12:22-24, and the city of Babylon (the people under her control). 

The Mother of all Harlots

Right now Mystery Babylon sits on the seven mountains that control the societies of the world. She uses witchcraft and sorcery to control the masses. She has a lust for wealth, power, and control. The harlot sits behind a veil of secrecy and deception. She believes no one sees her. The whore uses the masses like merchandise to become rich. She is a global system of slavery. 

The Lord commands us believers to come out of Babylon: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4 KJV). This does not mean that we cannot be in business, or government, or education; but it does mean that the attachment, influence, and evil in those systems cannot be in us. If the Harlot has a hold on us through the kingdoms she controls, she will have influence in our lives. We will not be able to give ourselves fully to the Lord, and be used to fulfill His purposes. Also, we will suffer the judgment of God, if we do not get Babylon out of us. Those who partake in her sins, will partake in her plagues. 

Christians may be able to impact these seven cultural mountains, but they will not control them. The Harlot controls them. Next the seven mountains will be given to the beast by the ten kings who will take them from the Harlot. It never says that Christians will control them. It does tell believers that they need to come out from under the influence of Babylon. The Harlot, by her sorcery, has seduced some in the church to thinking they can control the seven mountains. Could it be that Satan is using this to set the church up for deception, and pull the church into a relationship with the antichrist? What compromises and influence might the church allow in itself, in order to control or influence the seven mountains? Will Christian leaders submit to the antichrist religious system in order to have unity in the days ahead?

The Coming Kingdom

The prophecy of Daniel will soon come to pass in the time of the antichrist and the ten kings. Jesus will return and destroy every kingdom of men. Then He will set up His own Kingdom, which will spread throughout the earth. Jesus is not going to take over the seven mountains, He is going to destroy them:

In the days of those [final ten] kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will its sovereignty be left for another people; but it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it will stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44 AMP). 

And again, Jesus will crush the kingdoms of men at His coming:

““You, O king, were looking, and behold, [there was] a single great statue; this image, which was large and of unsurpassed splendor, stood before you, and its appearance was awesome and terrifying. As for this statue, its head was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay [pottery]. As you were looking, a stone was cut out without [human] hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them could be found. And the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:31-35 AMP). 

Jesus the Truth

Jesus desires us to be salt and light. He wants us to make disciples of all nations, and preach the Kingdom of God throughout the entire earth. Clearly we are to influence those people around us, in whatever vocation the Lord has placed us in. Jesus will not take over the kingdoms of this world. He is going to burn them with fire and set up His own Kingdom on the earth (2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 21). We must align ourselves with the word of God.

There is a lot of teaching in the church that is exciting to the soul, but is it in agreement with the scripture? Are we going to base our doctrine (in regards to the seven mountains) on the Bible, or on revelations given to individuals. Most false doctrine has come forth because men or women have visions, dreams, angelic encounters, or other revelations. God can give these encounters, but so can the Devil. If our own hearts would rather believe a theology that is more delightful to the soul, then what the Bible actually teaches; we set ourselves up for deception.

Satan looks for these believers to become his messengers, and then delivers them false visions and revelations. Because the believer does not have a love for the truth in their soul, they accept the false revelation and spread it as a revelation from God. Believers can actually get caught up in preaching the gospel of Satan, and they become forerunners for the antichrist. We must be aware of the dangerous times we live in. Only the Spirit of Truth can keep us from deception, and we must allow Him to keep us grounded in the word of God. Understanding Mystery Babylon will help us keep free from her pollution in the perilous days ahead.
