Sandpoint Idaho: The Church’s Prophetic Purpose

The Lord sent my family and I to Northern Idaho in July of 2022. The following is an account of what I believe the Lord to be revealing to me about the destiny of the church in the panhandle of Idaho. The Lord’s destiny for His church can be manifested if we come into agreement with Him and allow Christ to have His way through us. 

The Glory of the Lord 

I believe the Lord is going to arise in Sandpoint, Idaho (located in Bonner County), if we respond appropriately to what He wants to do. The glory of the Lord will shine upon His disciples within the region. The Lord’s glory will be seen upon His devoted followers. Unbelievers and the lukewarm church will be drawn to light and brightness coming forth from the Lord’s disciples. The Lord’s glory will be carried by those who are allowing Christ to become their life. They will not use the glory of the Lord for selfish gain, but rather to see people drawn to the Glorious One. 

The Lord will release His glory which will draw people to His majesty. The church in Sandpoint (and surrounding region) will behold the Lord. The Lord’s presence will be thick and tangible, His anointing strong, and glory bright. He is seeking to prepare a people for Himself, and it will be a fairly quick work because the time is short. 

The shakings of this nation will make way to glory in Sandpoint and the region. As shakings are manifested, the Lord will move in certain regions that He has set apart for glory:

For thus saith the Lord Almighty; Yet once I will shake the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land and I will shake all nations, and the choice portions of all the nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord Almighty. Mine is the silver, and mine the gold, saith the Lord Almighty. For the glory of this house shall be great, the latter more than the former, saith the Lord Almighty: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord Almighty, even peace of soul for a possession to every one that builds, to raise up this temple. (Haggai 2:7-10 LXX Brenton)

As the Lord takes His living stones (disciples) and builds them into a spiritual house; His glory will appear in us and in our gatherings. His glory will be greater in His spiritual house of believers, than it was in His temple that had been built by men’s hands. Every believer who comes into agreement with the temple that the Father is building, and helps the temple to be built in the way the Father desires; will receive an inward peace and rest that is beyond explanation. The “peace” that the Lord will give, is the peace that overcomes the pressures and evil afflictions of this age. It’s a peace that transcends the darkness of our times. 


The Selkirik mountains tower above Sandpoint and spread North from Bonner County into Boundary County.  ‘Sel’ means hall, and ‘kirk’ means church. The Lord is going to turn the region into His church-hall. It will not be a physical building, but a living structure built by the Spirit of God, for the Spirit of God to dwell.


A reviving must come to the church in Northern Idaho if she is to be made ready as the bride. When Jesus came onto the scene, He began moving in miracles and power. This caused the lukewarm to take notice and be revived. It’s only as we turn and gaze upon the glory of the Lord (as Moses turned aside to gaze at the burning bush), are we changed by that glory. Revival will soften hard hearts so that this movement can move beyond miracles, power, and healing to the inward transformation unto the image of Christ. Jesus seeks to bring believers to the measure of the stature of His fullness. 


The Lord desires to awaken His church to become His bride. He will use His messengers to call the church and the world to become the bride. The Lord will send His messengers with wedding invitations. Will the regional church in Sandpoint accept and welcome the wedding invitations? Will they accept the invitation to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb? Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9). Many are called to be apart of it, but few respond properly in their hearts; and therefore few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). 


In 2013 someone gave me a prophetic word in regards to the forming of a “powerhouse.” Recently, while driving through Sandpoint, I noticed the old power station downtown with the words “powerhouse” written in on it. I knew it was the Lord. Jesus knew exactly where I would be living nine years from when this “powerhouse” prophecy was given. The Father knew I would see the building, read the words, and make the connection. I feel like the Lord is going to establish His powerhouse in the Sandpoint region. He is going to restore His apostolic and prophetic ministries that will lay Christ as a foundation in Northern Idaho. When Christ comes forth through His sons of fresh oil, the power of Christ will be released in the region. 

As the Lord establishes this powerhouse in the Sandpoint region, power lines will come out and create a network. The ecosystem will draw people to move and build their homes around the powerhouse. As they build, the land will get brighter because the glory of the Lord is arising upon them. Darkness will flee as the city on the hill is formed. True spiritual family will then be established.

Spiritual Fathers and Sons

The Lord is releasing the grace that Elijah ministered in to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. This movement will happen among natural families. It will also come in the form of spiritual sons and daughters gathering around spiritual fathers and mothers. I feel like the regional church in Sandpoint will see spiritual sons and daughters come from afar and gather around the glory of the Lord (Isaiah 60:4). I believe the Lord is putting a grace on a youth movement. These young people will become disciples of Jesus and burn for Him. They will pursue His presence and give their hearts fully to the Lamb. All ages will be included, but I feel a large portion will be the younger generation.

The Gathering and the Breaker

The Lord is going to gather His remnant church in the Sandpoint region and in Northern Idaho. This place has been set apart for the Lord’s end time purposes in gathering and building together a community of His true disciples/followers. This will not be a gathering of the lukewarm or casual American church goer. This place will not be a gathering for those who love the American religious system. It is a gathering for the burning ones. It’s for those who want the journey with Christ and become transformed into His image. Jesus will break us out of the religious system and lead the way for us as the gathering begins:

“I shall most certainly assemble all of you, O Jacob; I shall surely gather the remnant of Israel. I shall bring them together like sheep in the fold [multiplying the nation]; Like a flock in the midst of its pasture. The place will swarm with many people and hum loudly with noise. The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way] shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; So their King goes on before them, The Lord at their head.”” Micah 2:12-13 AMP


This is the Kalispell Indian word meaning, “crossing, crossing over, or deep water crossing.” Seneacquoteen is located on the Pend Oreille River in between Sandpoint and Priest River. It speaks prophetically of crossing over the Jordan River from the wilderness into the Lord’s promise land. Christ is our promise. The church in Bonner County is going to cross over the river and enter into the “rest” of the Lord. She will enter into her true promise of being a resting place for the Lord. The Lord desires His people to rest in Him, so that He can rest in them. He is calling His people to come out of a harmful religious system controlled by the traditions of men, and cross over into Him (the true promised land).

The Royal Priesthood

Priest Lake sits in Northern Bonner Country, and Priest River runs from it to the town of Priest River. The Lord is restoring the Royal Priesthood in Bonner County, Idaho. He is gathering disciples whose hearts burn for Him, and fashioning them to be the true priesthood He desires. These priests will have one focus, Christ. Their motivation will be to see the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering. These will carry out the will and purpose of the Lord throughout the region, even if it means disregarding their own will. This priesthood will live a lifestyle of worship, and will glorify the Lamb.


The Lord has designated Northern Idaho and the Sandpoint region as a place of refuge which will be used to protect His church in the days ahead. America will go through some very difficult and trying times in the near future. However, the Lord will use places of refuge in various parts of the nation to bring His church to maturity and protect His bride. Northern Idaho is a good place to live in our country’s current environment.


The Lord will gather apostolic and prophetic leadership for the temple He is building in the Sandpoint region. This leadership will gather with pastors, worship leaders, and intercessors to form a core team which will carry out the Lord’s vision for His church.

The Will of the Father

The regional church in Northern Idaho, under God’s appointed leadership, will use church gatherings to bring true worship to Jesus Christ. The meetings will be focused on the Lord and not ourselves. The church gatherings will be fixed on providing a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22), giving the Father a place to rest (Psalm 132:8, 13-14), and seeing Christ have a mature bride prepared for Him (Ephesians 4:11-16). This purpose is conditional but will come to pass if believers and leaders choose to partner with the Lord so that His plan can be fulfilled.

-Ty Unruh (2022)