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The Falling Away (Apostasy)

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,” (I Timothy 4:1-2 NKJV)

The Holy Spirit mentioned the falling away from the faith (the apostasy) more than an end-time revival. I am not saying that there will not be any revivals or an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days. What I am saying, is that the Holy Spirit saw fit to emphasize the falling away through Paul, John, Peter, and Jesus. Why did He speak of this event over and over again? I have found that when the Lord repeats Himself in scripture, it is significant and we should take notice. 

Great Awakening or Great Falling Away

Isn’t it a bit strange that the Holy Spirit did not emphasize the end time revival, or go into detail about a great awakening? One of the things that the Lord wants me to emphasize, is that the written word of God will come to pass. Part of my assignment is to repeat what He has said through His word. He wants this done because many in the current church are not paying attention or placing proper value on His word. When this happens, the Lord will burn something in me like a fire shut up in my bones. He will keep repeating it to me, by means of an inward burning, so that I will speak or write about it.  

So instead of highlighting the great awakening in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit highlights the great falling away. A falling away from Christ to the Antichrist. One thing that I am sure about is that the Holy Spirit is not confused, and He is not wrong. How can there be a great awakening that sweeps most of the world into the Kingdom of God, if there is going to be a great falling away from the faith? There is a bit of confusion in this, and God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). 

The Lord has called me to preach and teach on the prophecies in the scriptures. He will not lift His hand off of me in this matter. He wants what He prophesied to be repeated to His church in this final hour. The word He set in stone is a witness to His church. I surely believe in modern prophecy. I’m simply explaining what the Lord has called me to do, so you understand my motivation behind how I write and teach.

The Lord can cause various areas, or nations to be in a state of awakening and revival. He does as He pleases (Psalm 115:3). The message that He has given me to declare is what He has written, and what is set in stone by the scriptures. Certain things that modern prophets say, might or might not happen, depending on the response and repentance of various nations. I believe that America will experience a time of judgment first. Revival will follow our sorrowful repentance, and the humbling of ourselves.

The Lord may release an awakening in certain nations, and not in others. The revivals coming may look different than how we thought they would look. An inward revival, and an inward relationship is ultimately the Lord’s focus. Sometimes, when things don’t happen like we expect them too, our failed expectations lead us into disappointment; and disappointment makes way to discouragement. Discouragement can take us down a dark and dangerous path that leads to a deep pit. The Lord does not want His people stuck in a pit in these last days. With the darkness that is coming on the nations, believers stuck in this deep pit will run a great risk of falling away from Christ.

False Prophecies

Since around 2010, I have seen a number of false prophecies in regards to the timing of revival or a great awakening. When prophets or prophetic people miss prophetic words and give false prophecies, it sows doubt and unbelief instead of faith. False prophecies can actually send believers into a dark pit of “hope deferred.” 400 prophets gave false prophecies about Israel having a victory in war (1 Kings 22). Think about what happened when Israel was in battle, and they were being soundly defeated by their enemy. Hopelessness would have swept over the army when they realized that the prophecies of victory were false, and that their king had just been killed. A false revival prophecy may spark encouragement and excitement for a time. But if it does not come to pass in the timing prophesied, it will send believers scattering like the army of Israel.

I am sure that just about all of us want revival and awakening. America certainly needs it, as well as many other countries. But I believe that Jesus is calling for accuracy and purity in the prophetic ministry. He does not desire to see His precious people lose hope because the prophetic movement can not get it right. At a certain point, enough is enough. The Lord is going to send prophets who will only say what He wants them too, without adding any of their own will and desire into the prophecy. To sum up my point: sometimes prophesying good things can actually lead to evil and help empower antichrist spirits, if we prophecy incorrectly. These antichrist spirits are very cunning, and use failed prophecies to undermine the faith of believers; in an attempt to cause believers to fall away from Christ.

The Lord wants our trust to rest in who He is. He wants us to put more faith in the inward life, than the outward. The Kingdom is within. The greatest miracle that the Lord can ever perform is to strip away our self-life, and transform us into Jesus’ image. Outward miracles are good and they are needed, but in the final move of God; we must focus on the inward, so the Lord can have His way with this chosen generation. Revival movements have faded away in the past, because they focused on outward manifestations, and refused to move inward with the Lord. If we focus on the inward life, Jesus will give us outward miracles and manifestations of the Spirit.

The Truth in the Scriptures 

While I do believe in prophets and prophecy, the Lord has taught me to anchor myself in the faith by the word of God. If we are not anchored by the word of God, we will run a great risk of being swept away in the confusion and deception that is coming. Disregard the Bible at your own peril. If we rank modern prophecy above the scriptures, we will be in great trouble since that is how cults have been formed. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves fulfilling the scriptures by apostatizing. Obviously the Lord can pronounce things that are not in scripture through His prophets, but we know He will never contradict His word.

But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]” (2 Timothy 3:1 AMP). The Greek word for dangerous also means: troublesome, harsh, fierce, and savage. The days coming are not going to get easier. They are going to become increasingly difficult. 

I have seen a lot of prophecies on social media lately, in which people are claiming they have had visions of the rapture and being left behind. And that the rapture is going to happen at any moment. The Holy Spirit has some much needed advice for these people:

Not to allow your minds to be quickly unsettled or disturbed or kept excited or alarmed, whether it be by some [pretended] revelation of [the] Spirit or by word or by letter [alleged to be] from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has [already] arrived and is here. Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition), [Dan. 7:25; 8:25; I Tim. 4:1.]” (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3 AMPC). 

Before the church is caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the apostasy will come first! Also the Antichrist will be revealed. Plus, we will go through the tribulation first (Matthew 24:29-31). In addition, the bride must be made ready (Revelation 19:7), and the bride is not yet ready. Because of these things, Jesus will not return at any moment like some have prophesied. He can however, return at any moment for any individual He chooses. So do not be troubled by any “pretended” revelations of the Spirit. These revelations are coming from the soul of man, and from false doctrine that has taken root. It is based in emotionalism, instead of the word of truth. Antichrist spirits are trying to sow confusion. Time is short, but we do have time. The bride must be prepared for the Lamb. 

False Signs and Wonders

Terry Bennett, who walks with the Lord, and is a trusted prophet; has made some statements in regards to the falling away that are significant. He said that a number of prophets thought they were seeing visions of stadiums being filled for the great end-time harvest, but they interrupted what they were seeing incorrectly. They were shown what appeared to be a revival. What they were actually being shown was false prophets moving in real miracles, that were performed by Satanic power. Big crowds were gathering to experience the miracles, and submitting to the movement because they thought it was the Lord. According to Terry, these prophets were actually seeing visions of the falling away, not the great awakening. 

Revelation 13:11-14 describes the false prophet moving in miracles and deceiving people on the earth. He will also give his authority and power to “many false prophets” which Jesus prophesied about. These will be working signs and wonders in order to usher in the falling away from Christ. They will succeed to a degree and deceive “many.” 

Prophetic people can misinterpret what they are being shown if their hearts have not reached a certain level of purity in Christ. For example, if a prophetic person is still living for their own desires and will, they may easy interpret what they saw in a vision in accordance with what their soul desires; as opposed to the truth. This is what happened to Balaam. His soul wanted to go with the men and receive honor and glory, so He heard God according to the desire of His own heart (Numbers 22). If our souls want something more than the truth, we are at risk of misinterpreting prophetic revelation. When we examine the scriptures, we see that this prophetic revelation by Terry, lines up with the prophesying of Jesus:

““Then they will hand you over to [endure] tribulation, and will put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will be offended and repelled [by their association with Me] and will fall away [from the One whom they should trust] and will betray one another [handing over believers to their persecutors] and will hate one another. Many false prophets will appear and mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, the love of most people will grow cold. But the one who endures and bears up [under suffering] to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:9-13 AMP)

Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.” (Matthew 24:23-25 NKJV)

Why would Jesus tell us, His followers, that we would be hated by all nations (large people groups or the majority of the world) at the end of this age, right before His return? That would make absolutely no sense if the majority of the world was saved, and if the “seven mountains” were controlled by Christians; as some have prophesied and preached. Jesus taught that we would be “enduring” until the end, not reigning at the end. There is a big difference. Those who allow Christ the overcomer to conquer this age through them, will rule and reign with Him in the next age (Revelation 2:26-29, Revelation 20:4-6). 

The fact is, the only way that we will be hated by all nations in these last days, is if many of the nations are under the authority and control of the antichrist, as the scriptures prophesy (Revelation 13:5-7). According to this scripture, the Antichrist will rule a large portion of the world for the final three and a half years of this age. This would then indicate that the church will not be taking over and transforming all nations at the end of this age. We must note that Daniel Chapter 11 indicates some nations will not be under the Antichrist’s control, and Revelation Chapter 12 indicates places of refuge for God’s people. The Antichrist will actually be given authority to overcome (kill) the church. But in reality, we will overcome the Antichrist by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, and by not loving our lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11). 


Jesus also prophesied that “many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.”  Obviously this is a negative prophetic word that none of us want to hear. But Jesus was walking in the office of a New Testament prophet, and prophesying the word that God needs us to hear. Unbelievers do not believe in prophets, so they are not going to be deceived by false ones. Only those who actually believe in prophets and pay attention to them, can be deceived by them. That would be us. According to Jesus, many of His people will be deceived. 

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (II Thessalonians 2:9-12 NKJV)

The love of the truth, is to love what the Truth Himself says is going to happen. It doesn’t mean we have to love what is going to happen, but it does mean we need to love knowing the truth. If we cast aside the truth because we don’t like it, we will open ourselves up to a strong delusion. We will then believe a lie, and the lie we believe will become our truth. This is how the falling away from the faith will occur. 

God will send a strong delusion on those who do not love the truth in the scriptures, and have chosen a lie. If we love miracles, power, and revival; more than we love the Lord, it is idolatry. If someone has an idol in their heart, they will hear God (through the prophets) according to that idol (Ezekiel 14:1-5). Once someone is hearing according to an idol of their heart, it is very difficult for them to hear what the Lord is saying. The voice of the idol becomes louder than the truth. This is a scary and dangerous place to be. 

The only safe place to be in these last days is hidden with Christ in God. Jesus must become our focus and our first love. Ministry, revival, awakening, and miracles must be secondary. Walking with Jesus inwardly and progressively coming to know Him, has to be our primary pursuit. This will keep us safe and protected. It will keep us in the truth. 

I recall a story from the late Neville Johnson who functioned as a prophet. Neville stated that he was sitting at his desk, and a beautiful angel appeared before him. The angel looked magnificent and was emanating a glorious light. But something inside Neville did not feel right. The inward anointing in Neville was showing him what was true, and what was a lie. The inward anointing was keeping him free of deception. Neville challenged the angel to see if it was from the Lord. All of a sudden the angel turned dark and distorted, and revealed its true nature (a fallen angel of Satan). Abiding in the Lord will give us access to this inner discernment and keep us free of deception (1 John 2:18-27). 

The Harvest

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Jesus did not say that the Gospel will be preached to the whole world, and most everyone will be saved. In fact, He said the exact opposite: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Jesus said that many would perish, and only a few would find eternal life. Jesus’ words will stand. Whoever preaches a different Gospel other than what Jesus preached, will fall under a curse (Galatians 1:6-9). 

Some have used the scripture in Matthew Chapter 13 to make the case for the great end-time harvest. I am not saying God will not have His harvest, but we must examine the Bible to see what His definition of a harvest is.  Matthew Chapter 13 describes the harvest as when the tares (wicked sinners or false Christians), and the wheat (true believers) come to maturity. Then both the wicked and the righteousness will be harvested. Revelation 14:14-20 confirms that both the righteous and wicked crop will be harvested when both are ripe. Here is the definition of ripe: “having arrived at such a stage of growth or development as to be ready for reaping, gathering, eating, or use, as grain or fruit; completely matured.”

The harvest does not occur when we get a bunch of people saved. It occurs when the Lord has a people who are fully mature, or full grown. The evil in man must also come to maturity in order for the harvest to occur. The Lord will not bring forth the end of the age just because the church gets a lot bigger. He will bring the end of the age when His people come to the knowledge of the Son of God, the mature man, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). The harvest will only take place when the Lord’s bride is mature and ready, not because of large numbers of people. 

Can you image trying to consume a crop of vegetables that is not ripe? If the crop isn’t ready, then you cannot partake of it. The Lord is not looking for a massive underdeveloped crop. He is looking for a crop that is conformed and transfigured into His image (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18). The harvest comes when Christ has a mature people (a bride) that looks like Him. The number of this mature crop will be determined by the Lord, not us. 

I have been in Christ for 17 years (at the time of this writing), and I am not mature yet. I feel that I have a long way to go until I am transformed into Christ’s image. Obviously the Lord can work more quickly in a person to bring them to maturity, but I’m simply making a point. Generally it takes time for someone to come to the full measure. It’s a process of embracing the cross and having our self-life stripped away from us. This process may take many years, because of our own stubbornness and resistance.  

Revival Versus the Inward Life

Can we stop the apostasy with a great awakening? No, the scriptures will be fulfilled. Will there be revivals in which miracles are released and people are saved? Absolutely, the scriptures indicate this, and the Lord has moved in this capacity throughout history (Mark 16:15-20, John 14:10-12). Does revival and awakening with demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and power, guarantee that an entire nation will repent and be saved? No, sadly it does not. However, large portions of nations could come to Christ, and we should contend for that in America.

Our example is Jesus, as always. He functioned as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. He operated in the Spirit without measure. He performed thousands of miracles and healings, and preached with a powerful anointing. Yet the nation of Israel did not repent, and did not turn to God. Jesus actually prophesied judgment against cities that did not repent in which many of His miracles were performed (Luke 10:13-15). At the end of Jesus’ ministry, only a 120 true followers gathered to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. 

Of course thousands turned to the Lord after the Holy Spirit came. An awakening did occur, and the church was formed. However only a remnant of Israel came to follow Jesus. The majority of the nation did not turn to God. A disciple is not greater than his teacher. In other words, if our Master could not save an entire nation be means of power and miracles, neither will we. If we could, we would be greater than our Master. Obviously it is the Lord’s will to move in power and save people. I am simply trying to illustrate the point that revival is not the ultimate answer, Jesus is. 

Jesus’ main focus was preaching the inward Kingdom, and the life of discipleship. It is by following the Lord in this capacity that we lose our life. As we lose our own will and desires, Christ transforms us inwardly and takes possession of us. He then lives through us, and His character and attributes shine through us. This is the process that makes the bride ready, and creates an inward stability which enables us to stand against the forces of darkness in these end-times. 

Revivals of old never lasted or came to fulness because ministers and believers never followed the Holy Spirit inward. Jesus started preaching about partaking of God inwardly, and many of His own disciples walked away from Him (John 6:66). This verse in John foreshadows disciples walking away from Christ, in our times, and accepting the mark of the beast (666). I wish I could give you the positive news that no one will walk away from Christ in these last days, but the Spirit expressively says otherwise. 

False Doctrine

and their teaching will spread like gangrene. So it is with Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have deviated from the truth. They claim that the resurrection has already taken place, and they undermine the faith of some.” (2 Timothy 2:17-18 AMP)

In Matthew 24:9-10, Jesus states that His followers will be handed over to tribulation, and put to death. This will then cause many to be offended and fall away. I realize that there are doctrines in the church that state once someone is saved, they are always saved. Apparently Jesus does not agree with this doctrine. The only way that one can fall away from the Lord, is if they actually knew the Lord. You can’t fall away from something that you never had. 

Many believers have been infected by false doctrine, and it is causing gangrene to set in. The doctrine will cause believers to deviate from the truth and fall away. Believers who have partaken of erroneous teaching of the rapture will be very offended at Christ, when we are being given over to tribulation and death. They will be offended with Christ because they believed a falsehood. Their offense will turn to anger at Jesus. “Why didn’t you come and rescue us? Why are we going through tribulation and being killed,” these believers might shout out to Jesus. The false doctrine in regards to the timing of the rapture will spread through their soul like a cancer. This cancer will create a rocky soil in the believers’ hearts, and the seed will not remain:

The one on whom seed was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and at once welcomes it with joy; yet he has no [substantial] root in himself, but is only temporary, and when pressure or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he stumbles and falls away [abandoning the One who is the source of salvation]. (Matthew 13:20-21 AMP)

False doctrine will cause believers to deviate from the truth, and fall away from Christ. The truth in the scriptures will prepare us for the severity of what is coming, so we will be able to stand in the time of testing. The first century church stood strong in the face of persecution, and so can we; by the Spirit. If Paul had adhered to a doctrine that didn’t allow for persecution and being killed for his faith, He might have fallen away from Christ. Thankfully he had an accurate understanding of the Lord, discipleship, and the scriptures.

The Lord cares what we believe. As Paul states in the above scripture, false doctrine shipwrecks faith. Because of this, the Lord will deal harshly with those preaching false doctrine in these last days. He is jealous for His bride, and does no want her to be infected with poison. To keep her pure in these perilous times, we will see His severe judgment released against the false teachers, and teachers who are teaching falsely:

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NKJV)

Turning Back to Sin

For [it is impossible to restore to repentance] those who have once been enlightened [spiritually] and who have tasted and consciously experienced the heavenly gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted and consciously experienced the good word of God and the powers of the age (world) to come, and then have fallen away—it is impossible to bring them back again to repentance, since they again nail the Son of God on the cross [for as far as they are concerned, they are treating the death of Christ as if they were not saved by it], and are holding Him up again to public disgrace.” (Hebrews 6:4-6 AMP)

For if we go on willfully and deliberately sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice [to atone] for our sins [that is, no further offering to anticipate], but a kind of awful and terrifying expectation of [divine] judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE and BURNING WRATH WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES [those who put themselves in opposition to God].” (Hebrews 10:26-27 AMP)

Believers that had the Holy Spirit and then willfully chose to go back to a lifestyle of unrepentant sin, will lose their salvation and fall away from Christ after a certain amount of time. The point of no return is unknown. We do know the Lord is merciful, and will extend grace and time for repentance. But the scripture says that at a certain point, it is not possible for us to turn these backsliders to Christ again in repentance. These former believers may not expressively say they reject Christ, but they will deny Him by their deeds and lifestyle (Titus 1:16). 

A believer who turns away from Christ because of their love for sin, could be overcome by it; and their last state will worse than it was before they were saved (2 Peter 2:19-22). This is because they open themselves up to demonic invasion by choosing sin, and more demons are allowed to enter the person than they had before they were delivered (Matthew 12:43-45). Paul speaks of these believers who used to walk with the Lord, and actually turned against Christ and became His enemies (Philippians 3:17-19 KVJ). 

Wolves Destroying God’s People

Jesus warned us to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15-20). These people could be leaders or simply believers in the midst of a gathering. Jesus refers to them as false prophets, meaning they are operating in a prophetic gifting, and other spiritual gifts. These wolves or false believers may minister in works of power, but will be rejected from having enteral life in Christ, because inwardly they were filled with evil and wickedness (Matthew 7:21-23). Jesus tells us that we must discern these people by their fruit. He is not speaking about ministry fruit such as prophecy, casting our demons, and miracles.

Jesus is saying we can discern wolves from sheep by the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Sheep, although not perfect, will have evidence of the fruit of the Spirit increasing over time. Wolves are filled will self, and their self-life will be on display (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Paul gave greater insight to these evil predators. He prophesied to the elders of the church in Ephesus that wolves would come in among the flock and not spare it. Also, that from among the leadership of the elders, men would rise up and speak perverse and distorted things, in order to draw disciples after themselves (Acts 20:29-30). 

It’s amazing that this is the last time Paul is going to see these leaders, and it is the prophetic word he gave them. It would have been a bit more encouraging if Paul would have just prophesied about a revival that was going to happen in the church, and that the gifts would be poured out in greater measure. However that’s not what the Lord wanted Paul to say. The Lord didn’t want to simply make the elders at Ephesus feel good. He had Paul release truth in order to warn them, so they might stop the ferocious wolves from coming in and destroying His precious sheep. 

The Lord is highlighting this now because evil is coming to maturity in this final generation. As evil comes to maturity, dark wolves will increase among God’s people. These vessels of evil will use deceptive means to gain access to God’s people. They want control and power. They desire people to follow them, so they can take worship from the Lamb unto themselves. These vessels of damnation are messengers of Satan. They will attempt to draw people after themselves, so they can led them away from the Lord; and down the wide path of eternal damnation. The wolves are coming. We must discern them. 

Jude warned the church that ungodly people will sneak in and teach a distorted grace doctrine, therefore turning God’s grace into decadence and immoral freedom (Jude 1:4). This false grace doctrine has been introduced to the church in our day. Preachers and sheep infected with gangrene, have crept in to the side door stealthily and introduced doctrines of demons. Their goal is to infect sheep with a disease. Then when the sheep are not healthy, and not able to discern properly; draw them away from the flock, and snatch them off the path of eternal life. 

We must not let these wolves and false leaders destroy the devotion of God’s people. It is going to be a battle in the time of the end. The Lord will appoint His leaders and ordain places where His disciples and overcomers can gather. In these locations, the Lord’s bride will be made ready by an inward work of the Spirit of grace. The wolves will be seen for who they are, rejected, and cast away from God’s people. The Lord’s true messengers and leaders will not tolerate these hidden reefs and clouds without water. The Holy Spirit speaks through Jude to remind us the fate of these wolves, and those who follow them into deception:

Now I want to remind you, although you are fully informed once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe [who refused to trust and obey and rely on Him].” (Jude 1:5 AMP)

Overcoming Tribulation 

We are approaching the very end of this age. Jesus will return soon as the bride makes herself ready for Him. We have an opportunity to allow the Overcomer to live through us in this final generation. Whether we survive the tribulation and make it to the rapture, or if we are martyred for Christ by the Antichrist system; what does it matter? Either way is overcoming. We have to choose to make Jesus our everything, and allow Him to take possession of us. Now is the time to seek the Lord, and draw as close to Him as we possibly can. Remember, this life is only a test, and it is very short. We must set our minds on the things above, and live for our eternal life. What we do in this short time on the earth, will determine our eternal position with the Lord. Are we going to be overcomers in the Kingdom, or are we going to be overcome by this life; and be among the least in the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity? 

Hold fast to the faith. Jude is speaking. The apostles are speaking. They are warning us about the falling away. The storm is coming. If we will both hear and do what Jesus has said, we will be standing when the storm clears (Matthew 7:24-27).

- Ty Unruh (2021)